So, this is it. I hope you'll join us tomorrow night (Thursday, August 27, 2009) for the very last episode of Now's the Time. Tune in at 93.1 FM in Ottawa and environs, and at CKCUFM.com everywhere else. It's a supersized dose of NTT; Mark Kiel, our good friend and host of Infinite Ceiling, has donated his time, literally, so that we can all sit around for an extra hour and get maudlin and self-aggrandizing about how great a show we of the Improvised Music Collective thought NTT was. It should all prove nearly unlistenable, but I'm looking forward to it.
So, for the regular time slot, that is 8:30-10:00 PM EST, I'll present the fifth (and final, obvs.) installment of our Francois Carrier series. And then, from about 10:00 (or whenever Ron, Mark, Aidian and Jim decide to show up) until 11:00, some or all of us will play tracks, tell stories, and get a bit weepy, one suspects.
Tune in. This is your last chance.
--> UPDATE: Here it is. Well, most of it. We never got around to pressing the REC button on the boombox for that last hour. But the first bit, the part where I go on about me and my fondness for Francois Carrier, that bit's recorded, and you can hear it here:
Now's the Time, the LAST EVER SHOW: Francois Carrier, Pt. 5 - Listening
You can also read about more about it here.