Thursday, July 12, 2007

In Rotation: Live - Evil

What? Live - Evil by Miles Davis

Why this? Why today? Listen to that funk! There's a mean hedonism running through it, a dark satin cruelty, but also a jump, an energetic and postive heart-flutter. Listen to track four on disc one, "What I Say." Synesthesia (music -> colour): I see jump cuts, I see handheld camerawork. Our protagonist is a man on the go, he's got affairs to tend. He's got a song in his heart, and nice shoes.

Think of the era! Cars that stretched a city block. Think of Betty Davis, Miles's ex, shouting and proclaiming and spreading the militant funk. Think of "jazz" casting a lustful eye in the direction of Jimi Hendrix. Think of Sly Stone.

You want specifics? Had the house to myself last night, so I opted to give the stereo a workout.

Tonight: Live from the brand-new studio, perched on the pretty banks, the first of a three-part, summerlong look at the work of David Murray. Part 1: the Black Saint years.


Nirmala Basnayake said...

This "In Rotation" category is a great addition to the blog!

AGF said...

Ahthankyouverymuch. It's also a great space-filler when I can't think of anything else to post.