Songs of YesteryearAlright, time to face facts: I've lost that loving feeling as far as writing about 2007 is concerned. It just feels so, I don't know...
over. So rather than hem and haw and force myself to spew out a thousand dispassionate and listless words on the topic of the best songs from that long-ago time, as I had promised to do, I will instead just give you the list, and let you fill in snarky/clever/thoughtful and poignant little write-ups about each one.
So, the songs, in the order they appear on the TiOM: Bo2007 CD (i.e. not ranked) are:
01 His Name is Alive, “Sweet Earth Flying”
02 Beirut, “Cliquot”
03 Iron & Wine, “Wolves (Song of the Shepherd’s Dog)”
04 Yeasayer, “2080”
05 Burial, “Shell of Light”
06 M.I.A., “Paper Planes”
07 Chromatics, “In the City”
08 Battles, “Atlas”
09 Kanye West, “Stronger”
10 Caribou, “Melody Day”
11 Spoon, “You Got Yr Cherry Bomb”
12 Stars, “Take Me to the Riot”
13 Robbers on High Street, “The Fatalist”
14 Feist, “I Feel it All”
15 Band of Horses, “Is There a Ghost?”
16 The Arcade Fire, “Keep the Car Running”
17 Okkervil River, “Our Life is Not a Movie or Maybe”
18 The National, “Apartment Story”
That was weird. I don't even remember 2007.
Nextly, it's no secret to anyone who occasionally reads this blog that I love (
lurve!) baseball, but I suspect that many of those who do frequent TiOM are not exactly what you'd call "baseball fans." So rather than subject them to the arcane and pithy details of the game and my rants thereon, when all they're really looking for is my incredibly narrow view of the world of music, I've created a new spot for all things
beisbol related. Trip on over to The Bottom of the Order ( if you're interested. If not, stay put.
Michael WhiteOkay, I'm very excited about this: I have just this very evening conducted an interview with the great jazz violinist Michael White. I've mentioned him here before, but you can expect something more detailed to appear in the days (weeks?) to come. Very gracious man, and a wonderful conversation. It blew my mind just a little bit that this man, who has played with Dolphy, Coltrane, Joe Henderson, John Handy, and scores of others, was answering the questions I was asking as I sat at my kitchen table (thank you,
Skype!) The interview will air on January 24 on
Now's the Time. More details as that date approaches.